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sob., 14. okt.




Welcome to AUTUMN BLOOM, a magical event that will immerse you in a world of connection, joy, and self-discovery. Join us on a journey, designed to ignite your inner light, embrace the essence of playfulness and open your heart.

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Čas in lokacija

14. okt. 2023, 10:00 – 18:00

Ljubljana, Tabor 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


O dogodku


Welcome to AUTUMN BLOOM, a magical event that will immerse you in a world of connection, joy, and self-discovery. Join us on a journey, designed to ignite your inner light, embrace the essence of playfulness and open your heart. Here we will come together, forging meaningful connections through the power of presence and embodiment in the present moment. And we will be celebrating Autumn and the abundance that harvest season brings!

Experience invigorating Life Force Breathwork, guiding you deep, uplifting your spirit and providing you unwavering support, complemented by enchanting live music.

Be captivated by our special guest—an unparalleled sound genius—who will guide you with an Ambient Live-set, through a meditative journey through realms inside and beyond yourself.

Share in a heart-opening Cacao ceremony, fostering love, understanding, and acceptance as we connect with ourselves, each other, and the divine, enhancing your experience of the practices and creating a receptive state.

Be guided by a dynamic movement meditation, as you prepare to dance, into the freedom of your body and expression of your essence.

Indulge in the hypnotic rhythms of an Ecstatic DJ set, accompanied by live drums, allowing your inhibitions to melt away as you surrender to the joy of movement,  playfulness and everything that is present in you, as you surrender to higher vibrations and fully embrace the magic of the moment.

Relax deeply as you lie down, enveloped in the soothing scents of an aromatherapy cleansing bath. Be held by the gentle embrace of handpicked, powerful and pure resins, setting the stage for profound purification, self-reflection and inner peace.

After this cathartic and joyful event you will carry the serenity and higher vibrations with you, ready to navigate the outside world with a newfound sense of tranquility, as you continue to embody the power of the heart and radiate your inner light.


PROGRAM 14.10.2023

10.00 Opening circle

11.45 Breathwork: opening of emotional and energetic part, guided by Lili and with ambiental set of Ozemljen with integrational sound journey.

13.45 Lunch break (vegan snack)

14.30 Heart opening cacao ritual by Ayla & cleansing smudge ritual by Žiga

15.00 Ecstatic dance Dj-set by Junzi with live sounds by Žiga

18.00 Closing ceremony


Bring a comfortable and celebratory set of clothes!

Water bottle, yoga mat and a blanket to cover the body.


Športno Društvo Tabor

Tabor 13, Ljubljana


Regular: 110€

Early bird: 80€ until august 22.8

The price includes the entire program, tea, ritual cacao and a snack.


Vabljeni na CVETENJE V JESENIA, čarobni dogodek, ki vas bo zapeljal v svet povezanosti, radosti in srčnosti. Pridruži se nam na potovanju, namenjenem prižiganju tvoje  svetlobe, sprejemanja igrivosti in odpiranju srca. Tukaj se bomo zbrali in spletli pomembne povezave z močjo prisotnosti in čutenja magičnega trenutka. Slavili bomo   čudovito barvito jesen in obilje, ki ga prinaša sezona žetve!

Izkusite poživljajoče dihanje Life Force Breathwork, ki vas vodi navdihuje, dviguje vaš duh in vam nudi neomajno podporo, dopolnjeno z očarljivo glasbo v živo.

Naj vas očara naš posebni gost – zvočni genij brez primere – ki vas bo z Ambient Live-setom vodil skozi meditativno popotovanje skozi kraljestva od znotraj na vzven.

Sodelujte v obredu kakava, ki odpira srce, spodbuja ljubezen, razumevanje in sprejemanje, ko se povezujemo sami s sabo, drug z drugim in božanskim, ter svetim prostorom ,ki ga bomo skupaj soustvarili.

Dinamična gibalna meditacija ,ki jo boste doživeli ob plesu, bo v vaša  telesa vnesla svobodo  in izražanje vašega bistva.

Prepuscanje  hipnotičnim ritmom Ecstatic DJ seta ob spremljavi bobnov v živo, bo v naša telesa vneslo  radost, ko se predamo veselju gibanja, igrivosti in vsemu, kar je prisotno v vas, ko se prepustimo višjim vibracijam in popolnoma zaživimo čarobnost trenutka.

Globoko se sprostimo, ko ležimo, obdani s pomirjujočimi vonji aromaterapevtske čistilne kopeli. Naj nas  objame nežen objem ročno izbranih, močnih in čistih smol, ki pripravljajo temelje za globoko očiščenje, samorefleksijo in notranji mir.

Po tem katarzičnem in veselem dogodku bomo s seboj nosili vedrino in višje vibracije, pripravljeni na krmarjenje po zunanjem svetu z novo odkritim občutkom spokojnosti, ko bomo še naprej utelešali moč srca in izžarevali svojo notranjo svetlobo.



10.00 Otvoritveni krog

11.45 Breathwork: otvoritev čustvenega in energijskega dela, ki ga vodi  Lili z ambientalnim sklopom Ozemljen z integracijskim zvočnim popotovanjem.

13.45 Odmor za kosilo( veganski prigrizek)

14.30 Cacao ritual odpiranja srca Ayla &

čistilni ritual s smolami Žiga

15.00 Ekstatični ples dinamicna gibalna meditacija Ayla DJ-setom Junzija z živimi zvoki Žige

18.00 Sklepna slovesnost


S seboj prinesite en udoben in en svečan komplet oblačil!

Flaško za vodo, podlogo za jogo in odejo za pokrivanje telesa.


Športno Društvo Tabor

Tabor 13, Ljubljana


Redna: 110€

Early bird: 80€ do 22. 8.2023

Cena vključuje celoten program, čaj, obredni kakav in malico.


  • Regular Ticket

    110,00 €
    +2,75 € pristojbina za storitve
    Prodaja zaključena


0,00 €

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