Fri, Oct 15
Take Life In!
Reset and Return to yourself in an emotionally and physically transformative workshop to release blockages on all levels of your being.
Time & Location
Oct 15, 2021, 4:00 PM – Oct 17, 2021, 3:00 PM
Lendava, Glavna ulica 42, 9220 Lendava, Slovenia
About the event
Reset and Return to yourself in an emotionally and physically transformative workshop to release blockages on all levels of your being. Learn to surrender to the flow of life. Learn to feel the energy running through your body and listen to what it has to tell you. Learn to live your own Truth and to express your authentic self from a place of love and gratitude!
THE WORKSHOP When we are spinning in emotional and physical fatigue, we are tense and unconnected to ourselves, we need to reset and return to ourselves. In this workshop we will do that by traveling to a state of mindfulness through three principles: physical, spiritual, emotional, and energetical. The fundamentals of sound, voice, movement, breath, meditation, and collective work will help us connect to our essence and unlock the layers of emotions and traumas that affect our psycho-physical state. During this work you can expect the release of physical and emotional blockages (anger, sadness, fear, laughter, playfulness, and joy), finding deep relaxation and self-discovery, feeling the flow of energy through your body, connecting to your essence and awakening of Life Force Energy.
An important part of this workshop will be work on what no longer serves you, on what you want to build anew and what you want to express. We will transform negative patterns towards ourselves and others. We will work with themes like guilt, shame and judgment through the practises of couple dynamics, communication skills, boundaries, group conversations, discovering the masculine and feminine principles, deep listening, surrender, and more. We will bring our shadows into the light, and we will create a higher quality of Collective Spirit!
We will also explore the principles of truth, gratitude, ego, love, compassion and surrender. We will intertwine and connect all these layers of what it means to be human with nature into a unique experience.
WHO IS IT FOR? The workshop is intended for all of you who are healthy, ready to open your body and delve into the emotional, physical, pain and energetic body. For those who want to release stuck emotions from the body, who need new direction in life, who want to live their truth and potential and for sensitive people who experience the world and life on a deeper and more sensual level. This workshop is not a rest, but a deep work on oneself. Unlocking your essence brings a lot of joy, but the path to get there can be painful. Therefore it’s important to have a strong intention behind the workshop, to stay awake and alert and surrender to the proces.
IMPORTANT Anyone who may be struggling with physical or psychological problems should contact us in advance. Prepare yourself and your body before the workshop and allow yourself time after the workshop to get you and your body used to the unlocked essence.
PRACTICES AND EXERCISES DURING WORKSHOP: Physical work & body work (body pattern recognition) Somatic & yoga techniques Energy techniques Breathing techniques (i.e. PranaSanna Breathwork) Meditative techniques Training of self-discipline & self-patience Fostering gratitude & compassion Tolerance threshold An invitation to yourself so you can look inside Relaxed conversation (you listen to yourself) Confronting the ego Connection with others, starting real soul friendships
WHEN: From October 15 Friday at 16.00 Until October 17 Sunday at 15 00.
WHERE: Prekmurje, Educational and Medical Center Gabrje http://www.center-gaberje.si/ ---------------------- PRICE: € 485 ---------------------- The number of places is limited. Reservation is made by paying a deposit of € 100. It is not possible to refund the deposit, but you can hand over your place to someone else. Payment details will be provided with your registration. We encourage people with money issues to contact us about payment plan. In case of workshop cancellation from our side, we will transfer your reservation to the next workshop.
REGISTRATION: lili@lililili.si