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Sat, Sep 21




Gre za nevrotransformativno dihalno tehniko z močnimi učinki na fizični kot tudi na čustveni, mentalni in energetski ravni.

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Time & Location

Sep 21, 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Izola, Industrijska cesta 6, 6310 Izola, Slovenia


About the event

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Kaj je dihalnica in kaj lahko pričakuješ?

Gre za nevrotransformativno dihalno tehniko z močnimi učinki na fizični kot tudi na čustveni, mentalni in energetski ravni. Ob globokem sproščanju telesnih napetosti boste na dihalnici lahko predihali tudi svoje čustvene blokade. Zato ni nič nenavadnega, če boste med vodeno vadbo kdaj jokali, se smejali, ob olajšanju in mehkobi pa začutili živost, radost, sproščenost, umirjenost in užitek. Predznanje ni potrebno. Na vsaki dihalnici se predstavi tehnika za nove in redne/občasne dihalce/ke, tudi tisti, ki ste redni dihalci, vsakič znova dobite napotke in nasvete, kako si izboljšati tehniko, glede na vaše trenutno stanje in razpoloženje!

Učinki dihalnice: • sprostitev telesa in uma, • dvig razpoloženja, • dvig energije • povečanje kapacitete pljuč, • krepitev imunskega sistema, • svež videz, • občutek živosti, • čuječnost, • razstrupljanje telesa • izboljšanje spomina in koncentracije, • kreativnost, • boljša samopodoba, • povečanje libida, • uravnavanje hormonov (PMS itd.) • antidepresivno delovanje, • odklepanje telesa na fizični, mentalni, čustveni in energetski ravni • dinamična meditacija (občutek enosti)

Kaj potrebuješ? - lahka in udobna oblačila (na dihalnici se lahko preznojiš, zato si prinesi oblačila za pred in po praksi) - trak ali masko za oči - dekico - prosim, da na dihalnico ne prides odišavljen/a ne uporabljaj močnih sintetičnih parfumov.

Vsaka dihalnica je edinstvena in neponovljiva izkušnja. Na delavnico pridi z praznim trebuščkom (vsaj 2 uri ne uživaj hrane, po delavnici pa si vzemi čas za počitek in uživaj!. Hidriraj se, spij vsaj 8 kozarcev vode, tako se bodo toksini, ki so prišli med dihalnico na površje lažje odplaknili.

Glasba: V živo nam bo igral Žiga Miklavc, nas zapeljal v zvočno popotovanje, med samo dihalnico in integracijo (bobni, tolkala, didž, kitara, vokal).

Delavnica pa bo pod vodstvom Lili (vec o njej Na začetku dihalnice, se bomo povezali in podelili občutke, preko srčne povezave, ki nas bodo nežno zapeljali v prepuščanje vsemu kar je v danem trenutku. Na koncu po integraciji pa bomo skupaj v krogu čutili efekte same magične dihalnice.

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Kje? Joga soba Izola

Vtis ene od udeleženk zadnje dihalnice: ''Neizmerna hvala za tvoje dihalnice, ki me vsakič znova poživijo, presvetlijo in mi dajejo motivacijo za to, da sledim svojim sanjam. Prav vsakič se po njih počutim prerojeno in nemalokrat ganjeno, dobim tudi uvide, kaj je dobro spustiti in spremeniti, čutim povečanje energije in pretočnosti. Poleg dearmouringa so najmočnejše sredstvo opuščanja vzorcev, ki niso koristni, dihalnice so pri tebi odlične, vsakič zanimive in drugačne, saj se čudovito znaš prilagajati našim potrebam letnega in dnevnega časa ter luninim vplivom. Če dihalnico spremlja še glasba terapevtskih inštrumentov, je učinek še večji, vse se zlije v še lepšo celoto -- z Žigom vama to odlično uspeva. Od takih dihalnic odnesem še več zdravilne energije in veselja,vpliv je še bolj dolgoročen in globlji. Po tokratni dihalnici čutim hvaležnost, jasnost, večjo energijo in mir.'' Ana ----------------------------------------------------------------- What is breathwork and what can you expect?

Neurotransformative breathing is a technique with powerful effects on the physical as well as emotional, mental and energetic levels. With the deep release of body tension, you will also be able to release your emotional blockages during the breathwork. Therefore, it is nothing unusual if you cry, laugh, and feel liveliness, joy, relaxation, calmness, and pleasure during the guided exercise. No prior knowledge is required. At every breathwork session, the technique is presented for new and occasional breathers, even those who are regular breathers will get instructions and advice on how to improve your technique, depending on your current state and mood!

Effects: • relaxation of body and mind, • upliftment of mood, • increase in energy • increase in lung capacity, • strengthening the immune system, • fresh look, • feeling alive, • alertness, • detoxification of the body • improving memory and concentration, • creativity, • better self-esteem, • increase in libido, • regulating hormones (PMS, etc.) • antidepressant effect, • unlocking the body on a physical, mental, emotional and energetic level • dynamic meditation (feeling of oneness)

What do you need? - light and comfortable clothes (you can sweat, so bring clothes for before and after practice) - blindfold or eye mask - blanket - please do not come to the breathwork practice wearing perfume and do not use strong synthetic deodorants.

Each breathwork session is a unique and unrepeatable experience. Come to the workshop with an empty stomach (don't eat for at least 2 hours), but after the workshop, take time to rest and enjoy! Hydrate yourself, drink at least 8 glasses of water, so the toxins that came to the surface during breathing will be washed away more easily.

Music: Žiga Miklavc will play for us live, taking us on a sound journey during the breathing and the integration (drums, percussion, DJ, guitar, vocals).

The workshop will be led by Lili (more about her at

At the beginning of the breathing session, we will connect and share feelings through the heart connection, which will gently seduce us into surrendering to everything that is in the given moment.

In the end, after integration, we will feel the effects of the magical breathwork itself together in a circle.


Where? Yoga room Izola

Impression of one of the participants of the last breathing room: ‘’Thank you so much for your inspiration, which always revives me, enlightens me and motivates me to follow my dreams. Every time after them I feel reborn and often moved, I also get insights into what is good to let go and change, I feel an increase in energy and fluidity. In addition to dearmouring, they are the most powerful means of letting go of patterns that are not useful, the breathworks are excellent with you, interesting and different every time, because you are wonderfully able to adapt to our needs of the year and time of day and the influence of the moon. If the breathwork is accompanied by the music of therapeutic instruments, the effect is even greater, everything merges into an even more beautiful whole - with Žiga, this works perfectly for you. I get even more healing energy and joy from such breathwork, the effect is even more long-term and deeper. After this breathwork, I feel gratitude, clarity, more energy and peace.’’ Ana

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