Fri, Sep 29
Popolni Odklop - A Perfect Getaway
Time for a perfect getaway, in an idyllic farm house in the countryside of Frankolovo, to surrender to a complete feeling of nature and coexistence in a natural way that is innate to you as a human being.
Time & Location
Sep 29, 2023, 5:00 PM – Oct 01, 2023, 3:00 PM
Frankolovo, 3213 Frankolovo, Slovenia
About the event
Time for a perfect getaway, in an idyllic farm house in the countryside of Frankolovo, to surrender to a complete feeling of nature and coexistence in a natural way that is innate to you as a human being.
You will be surrounded by beautiful nature, silence, fresh air, green fields, trees, birdsongs and good company. No noise and no rush. Calm your thoughts, breathe in the fresh air, connect with nature and each other.
As the first signs of autumn set in after the equinox, we gather to recharge and reconnect.
As we surrender to the rhythm of nature and the dynamics of the group, we will work with what will serve you best in the moment. No set schedule, but a carefully curated program of practices that will be executed according to the weather and the groups’ needs.
You will work strongly with the Natural Elements inside and around you to connect with nature and yourself. Grounding and expanding, as you are in the moment.
There will be Breathwork and Dynamic Movement practices to release stress, awaken your body and generate life force energy. You will feel more energized and free in you being as a whole to move though life.
Ritual Sauna and Fire Ritual offers you a space for a profound connection with nature's healing properties, reminding us of the essential elements that sustain us. Embrace the power of the fire, working harmoniously together with the other elements (water, air, earth, ether), to symbolize transformation and let go of anything that no longer served you in the present moment. (And… if nature allows, we will be roasting chestnuts on the fire!)
These rituals and practices in close interaction with nature and the group, will give you a chance for soft and easygoing transformation, recharging, revitalization and a fresh start of the autumn season!
Beautifully renovated authentic barn where you will sleep as a group.
Clean and well functioning compost toilets.
Organic garden watered by rainwater.
Showers powered by solar energy.
All accommodation is basic, very clean, taken care of and beautifully done!
2 -3 vegan meals prepared by our wonderful hostess with local veggies & fruit.
What do you need?
A large suitcase of good will and patience, dedication to working in a group and a deep desire for complete disconnection.
- sleeping bag
- outdoor footwear
- warm clothes (layers!) for evenings
- rain clothes (just in case)
- sarong
- organic soap and shampoo
- (head) lamp
- towel
- bottle
- notebook and pencil
Arrival 29.10.2023 at 17:00
Departure 01.10.2023 at 15:00
Price: €235
Early bird €200 until 21.8
There are limited spots!!
Make your registration today
Prišel je čas za popoln jesenski odklop, sobivali bomo v idilični kmečki hiši na podeželju v Frankolovem. Obkroženi bomo s čudovito naravo , svežim zrakom, zelenimi in barvitimi poljanami, drevesi, ptičjim petjem in seveda dobro družbo. Brez hrupa in brez naglice. Umirili bomo misli, ter se odklopili od stresnega in hitrega mestnega tempa.
Čas po enakonočju je idealen, da si napolnimo baterije. V skupinski dinamiki se bomo povezovali z darovi narave, čas žetve, ko bomo uživali v sveži in okusni veganski kulinariki.
Ko se predajamo ritmom narave , smo s tem , kar nam bo v trenutku najbolj koristilo in inspiriralo. Ni določenega urnika hitrega tempa, le skrbno pripravljen program vaj, ki se bo izvajal glede na vreme ter dinamiko skupine.
Prepuščanje in zaupanje življenju bo zagotovo ena od boljših praks.
Povezovanje z naravnimi elementi v sebi in okoli vas, Narava postane naša največja učiteljica, ko ji prisluhnemo v praksi in dobimo izkušnjo znotraj telesa.
Praksa dihanja, dihalnice in dinamičnega gibanja (prebujanje telesa in ustvarjanje življenjske energije bodo zagotovo nekaj, kar nas bo telesno aktiviralo in razbremenilo.
Ritual Savna in Ognjeni Ritual vam ponuja prostor za globoko povezavo z elementi in čaščenja le teh.. Sprejmimo moč ognja, ki deluje harmonično skupaj z drugimi elementi (voda, zrak, zemlja, eter), simbolizira transformacijo in spuščanje vsega kar nam v danem trenutku ne služi več.
Rituali in prakse v tesni interakciji z naravo, in skupino nam bodo dali priložnost za mehko in lahkotno preobrazbo, polnjenje, revitalizacijo in nov magičen ter barvit začetek jesenske sezone.
Lepo prenovljen pristen skedenj, s skupnimi ležišči.
Čista in dobro delujoča kompostna stranišča.
Ekološki vrt zalivan z deževnico.
Zunanji tuši na sončno energijo.
2 -3 veganska obroka, ki jih bo pripravila naša čudovita gostiteljica z lokalno zelenjavo & sadjem
Kaj potrebuješ?
-velik kovček dobre volje in potrpežljivosti, predanosti delu v skupini in globoka želja po popolnem odklopu.
-spalna vreča
-zunanja pohodna obutev
-topla oblačila (plasti!) za večere
-anorak (za vsak slučaj)
-organsko milo in šampon
-(glavna) svetilka
-steklenica za vodo
-zvezek in pisalo
Prihod 29.10.2023 ob 17:00
Odhod 01.10.2023 ob 15:00
Cena: 235 €
Early bird 200 € do 21.8
Število mest je omejeno!!
Rezerviraj si svojega še danes!
Early Bird
Available untill 21.8.2023. After that date we only sell regular tickets.
€200.00Sale endedRegular Ticket
€235.00Sale ended