Thu, Sep 26
Vodena meditacija za sprostitev in povezovanje
Time & Location
Sep 26, 2024, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Ljubljana, Križevniška ulica 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
About the event
Vodena meditacija
Primerna je predvsem za tiste, ki potrebujete mehko jogijsko meditacijo, ki vas kliče že dlje časa. Lahko jo ponotranjite tudi doma in se družite sami s seboj, si posvetite čas, ki si ga tako močno želite. Morda si že velikokrat poskusil/a sama, a ni bilo pravega vodstva. Skupinica je ponavadi majhna, prijave že potekajo. Zaradi lažje organizacije mi svojo udeležbo sporoči čimprej in si rezerviraj mesto.
Na meditaciji potrebujete le zvezek, joga podlogo in udobna oblačila.
Join Lili for a guided meditation to deepen connection and relaxation. It is especially suitable for those who need a soft yoga meditation that has been calling you for a long time. You can also internalize it at home and spend time with yourself, giving yourself the time you want so much. You may have tried it many times on your own, but the right guidance was not there. The group is usually small and registrations are already taking place. To make it easier for you to organize, please let me know as soon as possible and reserve your place.
All you need for the meditation is a notebook, a yoga mat, and comfortable clothes.